ForumsGamesDecision 3 Bugs

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So the game has some major bugs that seem to need reporting so people can access them in one place. Most of these bugs have plagued all the recent Decision games, but there are some new ones. Below are some of the big ones that have been reported by multiple players:

(if you want to read about the ArmorGames quests, go here: )

1) The inspector recognition bug - you get the inspector and after the area is completed, you didn't get credit for it. Basic solution, repeat the area over and over until you get the inspector. (side note - the location of inspectors is random, those that claim they are always in one area are incorrect)

2) The inaccessible area bug - similar to the inspector bug, something didn't resolve when you found an area expansion by walking around; you will have to redo it. This only applies to the infinite areas as far as I know.

3) Slot expansions for factories and outposts do not work - as stated. they use up your people and resources and give you nothing in return.

4) Unattainable "quests" (the in-game quests under "notes" ) - there are clearly massive problems with these being recognized or completable as many, many people have stated in the comment threads. "Find Doctor Bear", "Causes of the Epidemic", or "Mathew the Biologist" have been reported as not completing. Redoing the areas with these NPC's does not appear to be effective as it is for bug #1 above.

5) Game completes story early - it seems that for some people, the game just decides to "complete" regardless of whether you have all the areas or have completed all the "quests". It kicks you out to the credits when this happens.

6) Game is not completable - because of #5 above, the game can become impossible to complete. It kicks you out to the credits every time you do something and you can no longer progress any further. So far, it appears that once you run into this bug, you have to start over from scratch in order to re-progress.

7) Equipment bugs - a few people reported bugs where equipment in the armory became non-upgradable or disappeared. I don't have follow-up so the nature of this bug is not known.

  • 4 Replies
2 posts

Not sure if this is a bug or not, but if I go into "scope mode" I'll end up aiming all over the place until I release the space bar. To put more detail I move the mouse an inch or two to the right and click, the crosshairs completely over shoot the target and then my guy fires.

2 posts

Can't equip any armor

1 posts

I Can't equip any armor or weapon, too

1 posts

Equipment change doesn't work since the game was revived in the flash emulator.

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